Haypark Business Centre, Marchmont Avenue, Polmont, Falkirk FK2 0NZ
The clinic is closed in January and February.
Appointments are available from March 2025.
All appointments are booked online. This the preferred and best way to book your appointment.
If you are not able to book online, please contact us and some arrangement will be made for you.
All consultation fees are non-refundable (see cancellation policy), so please read the Terms and Conditions before you book.
It is helpful to leave a message in 'Extra info' describing what you are coming with.
This enables the doctor to contact you before your appointment if there is a concern it may not be treatable.
If you are booking for a child, please book in the child's name.
If you are not working or at school and fortunate to be able to come during the day, please consider leaving the later appointments for someone else.
We look forward to seeing you!